Saturday, December 1, 2007

Babies under two are way smarter then we think

Addy and I were hanging out in my favorite chair last night when Yak (our black lab) came over for a scratch. I rubbed his ears and remembered out loud that I needed to clean his ears again this week. Addy suddenly got off the chair, went to the kitchen, and returned with a bottle of Oti-cleans dog ear cleaner.

Mind you Addy has only ever seen me clean Yaks ears once and I never made a big deal about it. The fact that she remembered which drawer the solution was in is impressive. I'm also very impressed that she understood what cleaning yaks ears involved and obviously followed a relatively complex train of thought to come to the conclusion that we needed to get the solution.

Addy in her duck slippers


Addy is loving her duck slippers that her grand mother bought.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ahh sushi

iflickr, originally uploaded by njtoll.

Mike and i had sushi are'nt you jealous L & R

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Crash Test Dummy

iflickr, originally uploaded by njtoll.

We just set up the crip for question mark. Sydney earned his keep by acting as field test specialist.

He was not ammused.


Got back on the running schedule after a vasectomy about a week ago. I
did a quick trial 4 miles on Sunday to make sure everything stayed
together, then did 5.5 miles today. Today felt great. I raqn at about
8:30pm in about 36 degree F weather. I felt really comfortable at a
8min/mile pace.

Sunday was my Birthday. Rika and Addy are all I could ask for on my
birthday. I did get an iphone and embroidered pillow too which is just
icing on the cake.

Everything is good, waiting for the next bambino what ever it may be
(boy, girl). Not long now.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hike in desert snow

iflickr, originally uploaded by njtoll.

it snowed about 3" today. Addy and I took a little hike in the snow.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I left my Pants in Starbucks on Jefferson

Yesterday Rika wanted to spend some money at the scrap-booking store so Addy and I headed over to Starbucks to get a coffee and honey bran muffin. While I was ordering and looking at a stainless steal thermal french press, (come google adsense give me some money here), Addy decided that her pants were restricting and took them off. Well she took them mostly off she was walking around the store with them hanging on one ankle.